We’re Going to Leimert Park, Again!

TortoiseLand is thrilled to be invited back to the hugely popular Leimert Park Jazz Festival!! The event will be on Saturday, August 31st. Come out and support us.

This festival attracts thousands of people and last year the tortoises of TortoiseLand were a huge hit with several hundred people visiting our tent! Meeting our tortoises face to face was a thrill for the crowd and helped increase awareness for how incredible these creatures are and why they need our help to survive in the wild.

In order to make TortoiseLand’s appearance this year even more successful, we urgently need to raise $2,000. We need to cover our expenses including:

transportation costs, care and feeding for the animals at the festival, support for the volunteers, and preparation of our educational materials.

Our fantastic team of volunteers are eager to educate the public about these fantastic creatures and will also be on the lookout for amazing humans that want to adopt some of our rescue tortoises.

Please help with us meet our $2,000 goal by going to our GoFundMe Campaign. No donation is too small.

Thanks for all that you do!