Category: Education

  • Respiratory Infections

    What Factors Lead to Infections? Turtles, tortoises, and terrapins are extremely susceptible to lung infections, especially (but not limited to) when they are living in wet climates.  There are many different causes for lung infections in chelonians, (turtles, tortoises, and terrapins) usually due to improper care, or hazardous conditions.  When contracting diseases out in the…

  • Meet Mario

    Meet Mario

      Meet Mario The African Sulcata                Mario and TheTortoiseGuy Kevin at TortoiseLand! What is Going On With Mario? Hello TortoiseLand supporters! Today, I would like everyone to hear a story about three-year-old Mario, a beautiful female African Sulcata, who has been through quite a bit in her young life. Recently, she suffered a bladder stone blockage.…

  • Tortoise vs Terrapin vs Turtle

     Aren’t These All Turtles? You might have read the title of this article and thought to yourself, “I recognize ⅔ of these reptile groups; what is a terrapin?” Today we will be talking about the differences between tortoises, terrapins, and turtles. On a technicality, these are all different types of turtles. There is much debate…