Recent Articles

  • TortoiseLand wins over Jazz Festival

    TortoiseLand wins over Jazz Festival

    The Tortoises of TortoiseLand were the stars of the show at the 4th annual Leimert Park Jazz Festival! What a treat and an honor it was for me and TortoiseLand to be invited to this hugely popular and hugely attended musical event.  Over 3,000 people attended and TortoiseLand was given a huge tent in the…

  • Tortoise vs Terrapin vs Turtle

     Aren’t These All Turtles? You might have read the title of this article and thought to yourself, “I recognize ⅔ of these reptile groups; what is a terrapin?” Today we will be talking about the differences between tortoises, terrapins, and turtles. On a technicality, these are all different types of turtles. There is much debate…

  • Introducing TortoiseLand’s Blog

    Introducing TortoiseLand’s Blog

    We are happy to announce TortoiseLand’s blog! What is our blog all about? Our first article explains it all: from our team to our goals; from teaching about tortoises to caring for other chelonians; and so much more.